9AM. 54°F Rain
Today we head back around the Turnagain Arm to Anchorage to is if we can get the tire fixed or replaced.
When we were at the visitor center yesterday I asked a ranger if there were any 'real' gold panning areas in the Chugach Park. She said that her boyfriend has had luck along the Turnagain Arm between 20 Mile River and Peterson Creek at low tide but to be careful not to go out too far because there is a tidal bore when the tide comes back in and the sand can turn to quicksand...
So of course we stop in that area and the tide is out. So we grab our panning tools and climb down the bank not onto sand but some of the nicest potters clay I've ever seen. Undeterred we start walking trying to figure out how to pan thus stuff when the water is hundreds of yards out in the Arm. Well there is 20 Mile River at little way up the highway so Bob heads that way. He gets to a depression and starts down...do you know what wet clay is like to walk on- think wet ice. Bob feet start into the depression when the rest of Bob is trying not to. Luckily younger brother Jim grabs on and is able to haul the mud covered older brother to safety 😁🙃😁. Trust me I'll pay for sharing.
We give up panning on Turnagain Arm and continue on the Anchorage.
Our first stop in Anchorage is Alyeska Tire that advertise Michelin tires. They don't carrying that brand (thank you internet). Next stop Alaska Tire ( we called first to ensure that they had the model Tire so we could match the spare rather than buy 2 new tires). They had them in their warehouse downtown but come in and they would evaluate the plugged tire to see if it could be salvaged.
They said they could replug it and we didn't need a new tire. GREAT! They go to work. When done we pull the rig over close to the door of the garage so they can use their power tools. As the mechanic is putting the tire back on he notices another rock, pulls it out and yup another leak. They plg that one and we're on our way.
A quick stop at Mickey D's ...but wait Mickey has no parking for a trailer and we're too big for the drive thru...second Mickey D's yup no parking there either BUT there is a Self Stoage place next door. So we pull in there walk back to McD, have lunch, reclaim our rig from storage and quickly leave town.
It's early so we debate starting down the Glenn Highway but opt on staying in zpalmer overnight and spend the afternoon doing laundry.
Mt View RV Park in Palmer, Alaska for one night and grab the laundry and head to the park laundry. Seems like Thursday is laundry day. We get in line and wait an hour for a couple of washers to be free. Time to read right: Nope. We were talked to by a very friendly woman from Oklahoma. It don't quite remember any of the one-sided conversation but it was so friendly that she stayed after finish her laundry and was still talking when we finished our laundry and left. But we did get a recommendation from another lady also being talked to see Hatcher Pass and Independence Mine ( a State Historical site).
We decide to get dinner in town and we find Pizza Ria Delphi. Now Bib and i have reputation of harassing waitresses so I decide to explain to the waitress about this New England TV shore about 2 brother that make unannounced visits to restaurants and evaluated the food, service and price (Phabtom Gourmet). So when she comes to the table I ask her if she's ever been to New England to start and before getting started she says "OH No I've never been out of the Country". I look at Bob and say "I think I've found someone Kathy ( my sister-in-law) could beat at a geography challenge. SORRY KATHY🤣
We explained that New England referred to ME,NH,VT,MA,RI, &CT all part of the USA.
"Wow never knew that".
The pizza was great!
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